my family

my family

Friday, November 12, 2010

Off to a great start

We can see that I have really kept up with the blog. 
This is the period of life when you need time to stand still.  When I get the chance to slow down, I find it hard to sit still.  Sooo, I have to clean, work on my computer, prepare school stuff.  You would think that my house would be spotless.  BUT, it's not. 
My daughter is at the phase of life where she thinks every place on earth is better than being home, and wants us to treat her like her 1 year old brother due to jealousy issues.  My son is at the stage of life where he thinks the only way he can get something is to become violent or whiney.  And I am at the stage of life where I pray ALOT that I will keep my cool and enjoy these young years, because I know they will gone in a blink. 
I am trying to wind down the items for my dad.  He passed this last year and there is way too much to take care after someone passes.  It really makes it difficult to move past death.  I really love the businesses that ask how "I" would like to pay the remaining balance on bills.  Thankfully, there was not debt except the house.  Still, there is nothing like informing someone that you have experienced a death and them asking you for money.
My big goal right now is to get set up to start sharing ideas and items from my classroom.  Still a work in progress, but I am very excited.  I spend alot of time making things and would love for others to be able to use it as well.  So pray that I can get in gear!!!
So to sum up this message, I need more time in the day, as does everyone else.