my family

my family

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Beginning

Well, here goes my first blog.  I have often wanted to share things (like teaching resources) but always think, who wants to hear from me.  I guess we will find out.  My life is incredibly busy right now with my children and my job.  My children are at the "We need Mommy" stage.  Although they do a wonderful job of entertaining each other, I know that if I do not spend time with them, they will be grown before I know it.  So we read, watch movies, and cook together.  We also enjoy going for walks and teaching my daughter (through the interesting techniques of my husband) how to ride a bike.
It would be fair to say that me and my husband have had colorful lives.  But now we are just ordinary people.  I have been teaching for eight years now.  I would not choose to do anything else.  I hope to be able to eventually start a blog for my classroom to share resources with other teachers.  I spend a lot of time making things for my classroom.  I have taught 5 different grades, but am currently teaching kindergarten.  Yes, I get them while they are little, still needy, and I get to repeat myself a hundred times a day.  However, I enjoy watching them grow throughout the year.  They change so much, so fast when they are little, don't they?
I have to remind myself to be a mom and wife too, not just a teacher.  I will end on a note I stated earlier.  Enjoy your little ones, they will be grown before you know it.

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